Saturday 15 November 2014

10 Beauty Blunders, That Cause Premature Aging!!

Worshiping the sun wreaks havoc on face. Smoking does the same thing with skin. In spite of   these there are other factors you doing to impair your looks? These are the bad habits that cause premature aging, and learn how to reverse wrinkles… 

I know it’s not possible to be young everlastingly, but you can prevent time from effecting your face. 

I suggest all of you not to do these beauty blunders that cause aging you. By following a few easy fixes can keep your skin fresher than Mother Nature intended:

1. You are too skinny:

Yes, there is a problem to being too thin! 

According to clinical dermatology professor Mary P. Lupo, M.D of Tulane University in New Orleans “Loss of facial fat causes slumped and a skinny, aged appearance,”

Yo-yo dieting also causes aging early. The repeated gain and loss in weight stretches your skin and lose it. 

Skin Solution:

 You should maintain a healthy weight with proper exercise and diet. And be sure to nourish your face too.

“According to research of nutritionist Lisa Drayer, R.D, there are foods that will improve your look from the inside out”.

These foods include: 

Wild salmon and walnuts (Omega-3 fatty acids) that fight wrinkle-causing inflammation
Citrus fruits Vitamin C like ,spinach and kiwis h that increase collagen production
Tomato sauce (as it contains Lycopene) and pink grapefruits that look after against sun damage

2. Rubbing Around Your Eyes:

According to the dermatologist Jeanine Downie, M.D., “, Rubbing, pulling and tugging on delicate skin around the eyes can cause darkness”.  And as you age this pigmentation changes, this can add years to your look.
Skin solution: 

If you are feeling too much irritation and can’t stop rubbing your eyes, you  should visit to allergist to diagnose the problem and treat symptoms. 
Be gentle with the skin around your eyes when applying makeup or putting contact lenses. It will help prevent pigmentation problems and premature aging.

3. Cheating On Sleep: 

Sleep is very essential for your energy, complexion and concentration. 

Jeannette Graf, M.D says,
 “At night, skin goes into a restoration state”. “It does not only repair itself, but there is also a difference in its pH and circulation so anti-aging products go through better.” 

Also Puffy, dark circles don’t look young-looking.

Skin solution: 

To get enough sleep and prevent early aging, follow these tips:
Take 7-8 hours sleep regularly – then fix that bedtime.
Make your bedroom dark, cool and quiet before sleeping.
Make sure that you have turned off the TV and computer at least half an hour before bed; their lights can lessen your body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin. 
Create a calm nighttime habit, such as rubbing lavender oil on your fee, sipping a cup of tea, or listening to relaxing songs/tunes.

4. Sleeping On Your Side:

The fetal position in which you are sleeping may be comfortable for you, but it is very bad for your skin. So is snoozing on your stomach. 

Dr. Lupo says, “Pressing your face into the pillow 8 hours a night for many  years can crack down your skin and cause wrinkles”. 

Skin solution: 

You should train yourself to sleep on your back and turn over if you wake up on your side or stomach.
Dr. Lupo says, “This decreases the face from swelling that stretch skin over time”. 

5. Sipping Out of Straw.

Do you like to drink tea, dark sodas, and coffee through a straw, or use straw to avoid putting your mouth on a can or bottle or to prevent staining your shining whites? 

It causes fine lines around your mouth, a sign of untimely aging.

According to skin care expert Renée Rouleau, says,“Over the long-term, sip out of a straw [or suck on a cigarette] through lips produces extra wrinkles around the mouth”.

Skin solution: 

“You should avoid drinking using straws and leave the kissing pursing!”.

6. Using Wrinkle-Fighters In The Wrong Product

It’s OK to use anti-aging agent products, such as retinol, antioxidants and peptides, to enhance the face look, but not in a cleanser. It’s just a money-waster.

“Many cleansers in the market surely have anti-aging ingredients in them, but they typically don’t have enough concentrations in to provide noteworthy results”. 

Skin solution: 

It is highly recommended to use a plain and gentle cleanser, like Neutrogena Night Calming Nourishing Creamy Cleanser. It will surely cost less than in comparison with wrinkle-smoothing ingredients. Then apply an anti-aging lotion, cream or serum, which stays on face enough long to go through and yield results. 

7. Stressing out 24/7 

If you are constantly worried (or sleep deprived), then your body is surely pumping out stress hormones non stop which can cause hasty aging.

According to Amy Wechsler, M.D., a New York City-based dermatologist and psychiatrist,
 “Cortisol ( major stress hormone), actually breaks down collagen, which leads to  the sagging face and wrinkles and causes inflammation,”.

Also, when your body is in a flight -or- fight state, then oxygen and most nutrients go to the major organs, not skin. And constant stress and anxiety can lead to a crumpled brow and frown lines. 

Skin solution: 

You should figure out what helps you to be relaxed – a coffee with a friend, a chick flick and yoga class – and do it on regular basis. 

Exercise is best great stress-reliever: It increases blood circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin and giving your complexion a pinkish glow.

If not feel relaxed yet, deep breathing and quiet time can also help you. 

8. Relying On Makeup For Sunscreen.

Lots of cosmetics claim to have sunscreens that block dangerous rays, but it’s almost certainly not enough to ward off skin damage and untimely aging.

Most cosmetics protects against UVB rays, but UVA rays cause enlarged pores, fine lines, brown spots, and crepey-ness because it , but don’t block UVA rays.

Skin solution: 

Instead of all this, first apply a moisturizer on skin that protects against UVA and UVB rays (it’ll say that on the label) and then apply your makeup after. 

Dr. Glaser says, “Studies show that when we apply sunscreen on face, we skip spots.

“So if you first put on lotion and then put on makeup, you are more liable to cover the missed areas”.

9. Focusing only on wrinkles.

Lines are not the only reasons for aging.  Areas of pigmentation and Dark spots can give your complexion a dull, old look. 

In fact, “discolorations, like uneven pigmentation and age spots, can turn women look at least 10 years older than the actual age”.

Skin solution: 

You should keep exfoliating your skin – this will removes the dead cells that contain pigmentation, and use cosmetics to lighten dark patches on your face. 

10. Using Soaps.

Soap often contains harsh detergents that strip natural oils of skin and skin becomes too dry. 

“Although dry skin does not cause wrinkles on face, but it makes them more obvious” . 
Dr. Glaser says. “Dry skin [can’t] defend itself from allergens and irritants like bacteria and viruses.” 

Skin solution:  

Wash your face with a soap-free cleanser, like Foaming Facial Cleanser, Dove Cool Moisture and then apply moisturizer to your skin. Also, drink water a lot – try for 8 glasses of water a day, to keep your skin more hydrated from the inside out.


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