Sunday 16 November 2014

Hands And Feet Care In Winter Season!!

Hands and feet are very imperative in order to keep up grace and beauty. 
Because, these two parts of our body define our whole beauty and therefore should be cared consistently.  Hands marked the cleanliness and in the same way feet play a vital role in overall beauty of a person.  It s said,

“If you want to see someone’s beauty see their feet”. After a long and hot summer, the winter season is now forthcoming.
The arrival of winter means comfy warm clothes, lovely sweaters, coffee, dry fruit and sitting near to the heater. With its loveliness the unpleasant side is skin dehydration.  With winter season many skin related dryness problems also arises and in this view the hands and feet are most affected parts. So there comes a need to avoid skin dehydration,  I advised to take care of the dry  feet and hands and make the feet and hands feel better.

The following hand and feet care tips will help you to maintain their beauty.


What we need is to circulate blood in effective way and avoid to laziness??
In this season, insist on sleep also increases. Thus regular walk is very very important for blood to circulate well and make us active.

Soak Feet:

In order to feel feet relax, take some luke warm water add some salt to it and soak your feet into it. This will make your feet feel better.

Comfortable Shoes

The cold has a very tiring effect on feet and un-comfortable shoes may increase it well. So always avoid wearing that kind of shoes.

Wear Socks

In winter to feel good and relaxed wear the socks for whole day.

Avoid Hot Water

Usually we started using hot water in winter which is not good for skin. Also we washed our hands many times a day , and hot water may finished off the natural moisture of hands. So avoid using hot water. Instead, use normal water.

Avoid Soap:

It is recommended to not use soaps in winter as it produce dry skin too much. Always try to use mild soap for better results.


In order to maintain the moisture of skin , use moisturizer each time after washing hands and feet.

Drink Water

In winter, we generally lesson drinking water much which causes dehydration of skin.7 to 10 glasses of water is must to take daily.


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